Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016 - Summary
5. Training program on the subject of sexual abuse, for the foster-care staff of “Orr Shalom” Subjects of the training course: conceptualizing the world of content of the abuser- abused; protection – conceptualization and responsibility; group workshops – creating a protective environment in different frameworks; sexual abuse in the therapeutic space; creating a joint language/common syntax for staff discussion on the subject – the balance between indifference and hysteria; observation via the lens of the abuser and the abused; work and discussion with the biological parents and foster parents; work and discussion with children on the subject of secrets; what belongs in the therapy room and what belongs in the therapeutic space. The participants also learned about treatment in the therapy room: the dynamics of abuse; understanding the dynamic abusive parts of abuse; therapeutic approaches to treating the abusers; aggression and abuse in the therapy room; identifying with the aggressor; separating the abuse from the patient’s other issues; re-victimization (repeated abuse). 6. Training program treating children with disabilities, for therapists from the SHEKEL organization, applying the TF-CBT method (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) The ongoing work is meant to make adjustments in this evidence-based treatment method for victims of sexual abuse. After learning the method, a research staff member mentors the therapists and examines the method’s effectiveness. Switching over to this method challenges the trainees, as it is different from the dynamic therapy they are used to. However, the training and practical consultation is important and meets the treatment expectations of the therapists and their clients.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
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