Haruv Institute - Work plan - 2025-2029

2 The Division for Professional Development of Professionals – Another central platform of the Institute’s activity is creating unique and advanced trainings for professionals, even without the partnership of employers and services. Here, the Institute’s team will build and offer the programs to the public, undertaking to adapt the programs to different audiences (culturally, linguistically and geographically). Personal participant fees of professionals who participate in these programs will finance the trainings. The long-term goal is to reach 75%+ external financing.͂ The division director and an assistant professional will lead the division, involving the various project managers. The aim is to continue to spread the Haruv Institute programs to different audiences. Simultaneously and in cooperation with the Institute’s leading team and the Division for Research and Knowledge Development, they will promote the introduction of additional advanced programs. 3 The Division for Mass Training – This division will dedicate its resources to promoting the training of thousands of professionals who interact with children on a regular basis. It will develop innovative tools and diverse channels to reach mass audiences by means that have not been tried so far. Since the first years will be devoted to the development of various tools and channels for action, the Institute will chiefly finance this division.͂ The division director will work to promote the Institute’s influence on new and innovative platforms in the national and international domains.


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