בשבילי הבית - השיר שלנו - מהדורה מיוחדת

NOW AND THEN / The beatles The song was originally written by John Lennon

בחר: מתן גולדשטיין

פתאום משום מקום צץ שיר של הביטלס שמזכיר תקופות תמימות יותר ומאוד מרגש.

One, two, three I know it's true It's all because of you And if I make it through It's all because of you And now and then If we must start again Well, we will know for sure That I will love you Now and then I miss you Oh, now and then I want you to be there for me Always to return to me I know it's true It's all because of you And if you go away I know you'll never stay Now and then I miss you Oh, now and then I want you to be there for me I know it's true It's all because of you And if I make it through It's all because of you

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